Louise Claire WAGNER


Louise Claire WAGNER

Born and raised in Basel, Switzerland, Louise Claire Wagner moved to Paris, France in 2012, where she graduated with a degree in Social Sciences and Urban Planning. It was during this time that she developed her passion for photography, leading to her first honour and the participation at several group exhibitions. In 2014, thanks to a friendship, she visited Japan and instantly fell in love with the country. She focused her research on Japanese city planning, which gave her the opportunity to approach Japanese culture and society, to study its architecture, to travel between Paris and Tōkyō, and to capture new images. In 2016, she was named one of the 30 UNDER 30 WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS by ARTPIL and in 2017, she showed two of her Tōkyō photography series in different venues in Paris. A third series, exhibited in 2019, gave her the opportunity to present her photographs in the Japanese capital. With her work about Tōkyō, she wishes to show that a city as well as a picture contains multiple layers and is created by the mixture of different elements. Thus, she invites the audience to ask themselves about what they think they see or know and to question the perception of their daily life.

スイス・バーゼルで生まれる。2012年 大学入学のためパリに転居。大学では社会科学と都市計画を専攻し、学位を取得し卒業。パリ滞在中に写真活動を本格化させ、グループ展に積極的に参加し、作品展示のチャンスを得る。 2014年初来日。これが転機となり、その後パリと東京を往復する日々を重ねる。フィールドワークの地とした選んだ日本では建築を学ぶかたわら、日本文化や社会に触れ、写真家としての新たな境地を切り拓くことになる。2016年 ARTPILが主催する「30歳以下の女性写真家30選・2016」のひとりに選出される。 2017年 東京をテーマにした彼女の2つのシリーズがパリ市内の異なる会場で展示。2019年 東京シリーズの三作目で念願の東京での展覧会が実現する。複数の線や面、光など、さまざまな「エレメント」によって創り出される「複合的なレイヤー」として表現された東京の姿、ワグナーの視点が捉える東京は"平凡な風景とは何か?"を私たちに問いかける。

From a Westerner's perception, Tōkyō may, especially due to its visual appearance, seem rather confusing and difficult to understand. To me, however, the Japanese capital has always shown its sensitive and harmonious side and it has helped me understand that there are many things beyond what we think we see or know.
Impulsions, vivacity and solitude; modernity and tradition; abundance and pureness; melodies and silence; it is the interplay of these elements that guides my work. Understanding a city is about hearing its voices, capturing its smells, viewing its layers, following its rhythms.
I capture Tōkyō with nothing more than what the city presents me: buildings and people, objects, structures and nature; light and atmospheres. Not to mention homes, kindness, and emotions.
Through my photographs I want to invite people to discover what is hidden behind the perceived, to observe the lived, to understand the conceived; to be attentive to the details; to be guided by the movements; and to discover a small part of the many faces of Tōkyō.


Louise Claire

100 PHOTOGRAPHERS100 PHOTOGRAPHERS Describing Tokyo Scapes
