

写真家、清里フォトアートミュージアム館長、東京工芸大学名誉教授、日本写真協会会員、日本写真芸術学会会員、日本写真家協会名誉会員。 1933年山形県米沢市生まれ。1954年東京写真短期大学(現・東京工芸大学)写真技術科卒業。1959年写真のセルフ・エージェンシー「VIVO」設立に参加。1969年『鎌鼬』で芸術選奨文部大臣賞受賞。1998年紫綬褒章受章。2003年世界を代表する写真家7人のひとりとして英国王立写真協会創立150周年特別賞授賞。2007年、旭日小授章受章。2010年、文化功労者顕彰。2017年、旭日重光章受章。主な写真集に「おとこと女」、「薔薇刑」、「鎌鼬」、「抱擁」、「ガウディの宇宙」、「ルナ・ロッサ」「おかあさんのばか」「胡蝶の夢 舞踏家・大野一雄」、「死の灰」などがある。また、米児童文学作家B. J.リフトン女史との共著(英語版)で「Taka-chan and I」、「A Dog's Guide to Tokyo」、「Return to Hiroshima」、「A Place Called Hiroshima」などがある。


Born in Yamagata Prefecture's Yonezawa-shi in 1933, he was raised in Tokyo. In 1951, when he was awarded the top prize in the "Fuji Photo Contest" (Student's Section), Hosoe decided to pursue a career as a photographer. In 1956 he held his first solo exhibition, "An American Girl in Tokyo". In 1959, Hosoe, Shomei Tomatsu, and Ikko Tanaka started the agency VIVO, which held a central role in the changes of postwar photography. He published several photography books that drew on a strong narrative sense based on a unique connectivity with his subjects. Man and Woman (1961) presented in a direct manner eros and the naked body as its theme. Killed by Roses (1963) cast its subject Yukio Mishima in a baroque aesthetic space. Kamaitachi (1969), set in Japan's northeast countryside with Butoh dancer Tatsumi Hijikata as subject, was composed from a fantasy world of mysticism and insanity. Other publications include Embrace (1969), The Cosmos of Gaudi (1984), Luna Rossa (2000), Shunpon, Ukiyo-e Projections (2003), Mother,why,why?(2004), and The Butterfly Dream (2006), which Butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno as subject. Hosoe has had numerous exhibitions outside of Japan as well as photography workshops and has been active in the public sector.In 1998, he was awarded A purple Ribbon Medal from the Government, for his Achievement of Photographic Art. In 2009, awarded Lucca Digital Photo Fest2009 Master Photographer. In 2010, he was awarded The National Arts Club Medal of Honor for Photography 2010 and A person who has performed distinguished services in the field of culture from the Government. In 2017, he was awarded  The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star.He is an Honorary Professor of Tokyo Polytechnic University and member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society, The Photographic Society of Japan, The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan, and Japan Society of Arts and History of Photography(JSAHP).

『気骨 われらが父、われらが祖父 Bushido in Business』

『気骨 われらが父、われらが祖父 Bushido in Business』


100 PHOTOGRAPHERS100 PHOTOGRAPHERS Describing Tokyo Scapes
